Re: Mamy znajomego w manchesterze?
No to ewidentna bzdura jest:
Corierre the Escrow company: Escrow is one third impartial part that operates in order to facilitate the purchases and the sales of the
internet guaranteeing to both the parts emergency, confidence and convenience. Escrow reduces the risks of
swindle for who is buying or selling in Internet, in the event that features of one transaction
consumer-to-consumer, business-to-consumer or business-to-business.
The service of the society will control the car and documents in order to see if they are ok.
It will receive a notification from the society like a confirmation that the moto is found in guard from
they, and with information care the outcome of the verification of the moto and documentation.
After this she dovra to send a earnest money towards the society, one capara 100% ramborsabilli.
Not hardly the sended earnest money sara, the intermediary society dovra to verify the transfer and if all I
lie in wait for the shipment immediately partira and the moto sara delivered to the indicated address directly.
After that it will receive the moto and it completely will be satisfied of this, she dovra to communicate
its decision to the speditrice society.
If from whichever reason it will not be satisfied of the moto, she dovra to return the moto to the
society without some expense, I will support all expenses.
In more she it will have a period of 3-5 days in order to inspect the moto and if for case sara not satisfied of
it then the reimbursed earnest money the sara immediately. Whichever damaged thing or I do not lie in wait for
will be replaced to expenses mine or otherwise sara reimbursed the cost of the damage.
I have need of:
Complete name _________
Phone number__________
Fiscal code_____
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